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Glenair CostSaver Composite EMI/RFI Junction Boxes
Lots of Junction Boxes are Built for use in Harsh, EMI/RFI Applications.
Glenair is the recognized leader in composite thermoplastic research and development for the interconnect accessory industry.
Glenair's lightweight/ high-strength CostSaver Composite EMI/ RFI Junction Boxes are ideally suited for use in harsh environments where resistance to electromagnetic interference, corrosive fluids, Glass reinforced composite thermoplastic material is strong and durable and yet extremely lightweight.
Unlimited corrosion resistance compared to metal junction boxes reduces repair and maintenance costs. Low harmonic resonance and inherent attenuating properties reduce loosening and decoupling of feed-through fittings and accessories. high tem peratures, shock and vibration is a critical requirement. The boxes are designed to meet the shock and vibration requirements of MIL-S-901D and MIL-STD-167SHIPS.
Box materials also meet stringent EMI/RFI/HIRF and indirect lightning strike performance specifications.
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